Free webinar: Breaking down barriers to pupil engagement with school

Sign up to receive your free invite link for our webinar on Wednesday 12 March at 4:30pm.

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Webinar Information

What we'll cover

Our expert panel will discuss recent school engagement trends, sharing theory and practical knowledge to help you build a culture of pupil engagement that enables children to achieve and to thrive.

Our expert panel

We will be joined by leading voices in the discussion of pupil engagement and motivation. 

  • Cath Bansal - Head of Public Affairs, Ambition Institute
  • Steve Farndon - Associate Director of Programme Delivery and Design, Ambition Institute
  • Steph Hamilton - Director, The Engagement Platform
  • Mohamed Abdallah - Head of Inclusive Leadership Course and National Network for Internal AP at The Difference
  • Bennie Kara - Consultant, coach and writer on curriculum, leadership, teaching and learning, and literacy

Recent publication

This webinar dovetails with Ambition's recent publication on pupil motivation and engagement.

Find out more by reading the piece. 

More about Ambition Institute

Who we are

We are a charity providing training and professional development based on the most rigorous research and evidence about what really works. Together, we’re shaping the future of education to give every child the best start in life.

What we do

We work with teachers – from those at the start of their career through to headteachers and CEOs. 
Our programmes are designed to equip educators to tackle the challenges they face, providing practical tools to make an impact in the classroom and across the school.

Why we exist

Great teaching changes lives. The evidence is clear: the quality of teaching makes the biggest difference to what a child achieves.
Our focus at Ambition Institute is providing the highest quality professional development for teachers and school leaders, to invest in a better future for our schools and for our children.

Our expertise

Our programmes are informed by the latest research and the lessons we’ve learned from great teachers and school leaders like you. We don’t have all the answers, but we use both evidence and the wisdom of experts to guide our way.