How will we tackle the disadvantage gap when schools re-open?

A Summer Series roundtable with Sir David Carter and guests. Friday 15 May, 3.30-4.30pm

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Meet the speakers

Sir David Carter

Sir David is Executive Director of System Leadership, Ambition Institute. He leads Ambition’s programmes for executive leaders. He was the Regional Schools Commissioner for the South West, National Schools Commissioner, a former music teacher, and CEO of the Cabot Learning Federation. Sir David was amongst the first National Leaders of Education and opened the first teaching school.  

Leora Cruddas

Leora Cruddas is the CEO of the Confederation of School Trusts – the national organisation and sector body for school trusts in England. She has advised successive governments and sits on several Department for Education Advisory Bodies. She is the vice chair of the Headteacher Standards Review Group.  


Ben Pickering

Ben is a Humanitarian Adviser in the Conflict, Humanitarian & Security Department of the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). He specialises in international humanitarian policy. Ben has over 13 years of operational experience across a diverse range of international humanitarian programmes within natural disasters and complex emergencies.  

Rowena Hackwood

Rowena is the CEO of David Ross Education Trust and has significant experience in leading a number of high profile organisations across the public, not-for-profit and private sectors. Rowena joined the Trust in 2017 to grow and embed the sponsor’s vision by delivering further improvements in performance across the Trust, as well as increasing the Trust’s capacity to contribute to the wider national debate on enhancing life chances for children through education.

Ed Vainker

Ed is co-founder and Executive Principal of Reach Academy Feltham. He is also co-founder of Reach Hub, and a member of the DfE Early Years stakeholder group and the Royal Foundation Steering Group on Early Life. 

Unity Howard

Unity is Director of the New Schools Network where she oversees the delivery of Advisory, Delivery and Academy Ambassadors programmes. Unity is responsible for NSN's strategic development, policy work and stakeholder relationships. Prior to joining NSN, Unity worked for a further education college coordinating the delivery of vocational training programmes across the South East to clients including such as BMW and Rolls-Royce. 

More about Ambition Institute

Who we are

Ambition Institute is a graduate school for teachers, school leaders and system leaders. We help educators serving children from disadvantaged backgrounds to keep getting better.

What we do

We want to ensure there are expert teachers in every classroom, being led by exceptional school leaders at all levels. Through our suite of programmes we’re now able to support educators at every stage – from new teachers through to MAT CEOs.

Why we exist

We know that children from disadvantaged backgrounds don’t do as well at school and we know that improving teaching and school leadership is the best way to fix this.

Our Expertise

Our programmes are informed by the latest research and the lessons we’ve learned from great teachers and school leaders like you. We don’t have all the answers, but we use both evidence and the wisdom of experts to guide our way.